Statement: Stop CUNY's Repression against Palestine Solidarity

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Sep 15, 2024

In his email, the Chancellor:

  1. Lists "anti-Israeli sentiment" as a form of "hate and discrimination", thus bringing criticism of Israel settler colonialism into the ambit of CUNY’s official anti-discrimination policy.

  2. Asserts that “restrictions may be placed on the time, place and manner” of public rallies, events and protests and even the "placement or size of signage" in the Fall, following a trend of increased restrictions on protests implemented by administrations across the country.

  3. Cynically obfuscates Israel’s settler colonial genocide of Palestinians through the use of the phrase "conflict in the Middle East".

This escalating repression of campus organizing is a response to the powerful Gaza Solidarity Encampments last spring which bravely and powerfully opposed the US-backed zionist genocide.

We have already begun to see attempts by colleges to limit anti-genocide organizing at CUNY with newly enforced rules. The CUNY Law SJP is facing new requirements implemented for student club registration. The City Tech SJP was asked to remove a Palestinian flag at a club fair and the SJP at CCNY was told it needs a permit to protest on top of being restricted to a specific location and time frame. Banners that were dropped at CUNY Law have been confiscated by the administration, and for the first time, the administration is refusing to return them to students. The Baruch administration sent a series of intimidating emails to the student body attempting to dissuade support for Palestinian liberation following a successful anti-genocide rally led by students. At the Graduate Center, the administration has begun monitoring the student-only listserv and notified student organizers that no "communications of a partisan political nature" can be distributed, right after an email was sent inviting the student body to join the ongoing struggle against settler colonial genocide in Palestine and CUNY's support of it.

The Chancellor's new "guidelines" are thus yet another, albeit more intense and explicit, attempt to protect a genocidal settler colonial state - one that is funded, politically supported, and armed by the US. They are an attempt to silence the voices of conscience in our community. This is a shameful and unethical step by an administration which has already shown us that it has no moral compass. We refuse this blatant act of repression and assert our unqualified right to criticize any state and any individual - be they Israeli, US, or any other nationality - who engage in or support genocide, ethnic cleansing, settler colonialism and imperialist wars.

The Chancellor's email must be read against the backdrop of this horror. It is, in essence, an open declaration of war against the Palestinian people and against those CUNY students and workers of conscience who support their struggle for liberation. Our concern isn’t simply that these new restrictions will lead to increased violations of academic freedom, but that they are designed to reinforce a campus environment that can structurally support Israeli settler colonialism and its violent 75+ year long project to dispossess and repress the Palestinian people.

We demand that the Chancellor stop his campaign of repression immediately. He must roll back these new restrictions on campus speech and organizing, cease his cooperation in the prosecution of our community members currently facing felony charges for their role in the CUNY Gaza Solidarity Encampment, and end CUNY’s complicity in Israel’s settler colonial project, especially the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Chancellor Matos Rodríguez must respond to the CUNY Gaza Solidarity Encampment’s Five Demands.

As proud members of the CUNY community, we vow to continue our struggle against the forces of brute power and in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle for liberation in the face of blatant attempts to silence us. The Chancellor’s Orwellian attempts at re-casting our principled anti-racist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist solidarity as "discrimination" and "hate" will fail, along with the university’s ongoing efforts at repression.

The more they try to silence us, the louder we will be!

Free Palestine!

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